The NIP is the leading center of physics education and research in the Philippines
Theoretically, light can be slowed down in vacuum
Theoretically, light may be traveling slower than we thought. Dr. Nathaniel Hermosa II with his student Mr. Nestor D. Bareza, Jr. is able to show that the group velocity of a beam of light propagating helically to be slower than
Almoro appointed as Topical Editor of Applied Optics Journal
Dr. Lim of NIP receives Achievement Award during the 83rd NRCP Scientific Meeting
NAST and NIP celebrate the centenary of Einstein’s general relativity
NIP – RIKEN Research Collaboration and Partnership
NIP Honours its Staff Members and Instructors
NIP gave recognition awards to honour its deserving non-academic staff members and instructors during the Gabi ng Parangal 2015 held last December 18, 2015 at the NIP canteen. The goals for giving the awards are to improve the delivery of
Happy Retirement Celebration at NIP
NIP-R211 / 2015.11.23 — A farewell party was held in honor of Dr. Henry J. Ramos (NIP Professor) and Mrs. Flora P. Luis (NIP Administrative Officer) last November 23, 2015 at room R211, NIP – UP Diliman. Dr. Ramos served
NIP Symposium: On Physics, God and Nationalism
NIP (2015.11.09) — Aureliano “Aure” Tan, Jr who is an alumnus and was a former faculty member of the then Physics Department, College of Arts and Sciences, UP Diliman presented a philosophical view of physics during the NIP Symposium held
Strengthening Research Collaborations with Taiwan NSYSU
NIP/2015.11.04 — Research professors from the National Sun Yat-sen University (NSYSU) of Taiwan visited the various institutes of the College of Science (CS), UP Diliman last November 4, 2015. In a previous engagement, some of the Taiwanese physics professors participated