Welcome to the National Institute of Physics, College of Science, University of the Philippines in Diliman, Quezon City. The Institute was established in 1983 by Presidential Executive Order transforming the then Department of Physics of the College of Arts and Sciences. Our VISION is to be the leading center of physics education and research in the Philippines which, through the generation of new knowledge in pure and applied physics, would exert scientific influence in the Asia-Pacific region.
As the leading center of physics education and research in the Philippines
- To produce a significant number of excellent PhD graduates in pure and applied physics
- To attract and retain the best scientific talents
- To develop and disseminate evidence-based programs and materials in physics education
- To develop and maintain enabling and nurturing environment for researchers, faculty, students, and staff by offering a competitive compensation package and by promoting intellectual honesty, integrity, collegiality and academic freedom
As a center that generates new knowledge in pure and applied physics
- To increase the production of high-impact research by developing patentable technologies and by acquiring and maintaining state-of-the-art facilities in the level of international standards
- To achieve fiscal sustainability in funding research endeavors
- To encourage activities that support entrepreneurial and industrial application and development
As a center that exerts scientific influence in the Asia-Pacific region
- To inspire the general public into appreciating the societal value of physics by increasing public visibility and solidifying the center’s reputation as the premier physics institution
- To work with stakeholders in the public and private sector by actively engaging with policy and decision makers
- To foster international cooperation and academic exchange by adopting leadership positions in the multi- and interdisciplinary research efforts in solving national and regional concerns
The Institute currently offers the following degree programs: BS Physics, BS Applied Physics (with concentrations in materials physics and instrumentation physics), Diploma in Physics, MA Physics, MS Physics and Ph.D. Physics. The baccalaureate degree programs as well as the graduate degree programs are described in this site. On the average, the Institute has about 300 students for all levels in the baccalaureate degree programs and about 50 in the graduate degree programs per year. It also services the physics course requirements of over 1000 non-major students per semester and co-implements the graduate programs in environmental science and materials science of the College of Science and the College of Engineering, respectively.
Aside from their teaching duties, our faculty are engaged in research in the following areas: condensed matter, instrumentation, photonics, plasma, structure & dynamics and fields and particles physics..
Navigating through our website will provide you with a lot of information regarding the specializations of our faculty, staff and students.
Thank you for your interest in the National Institute of Physics.
For further information pleased download the NIP Brochure and NIP ISI Publications are also available for download.