The University of the Philippines (UP) National Institute of Physics (NIP) in partnership with RIKEN, Japan’s premier research institute, held the 1st NIP-RIKEN Joint Research Workshop last November 10-11, 2017 in UP Diliman, Quezon City. Scientists from both institutions shared their latest research interests and activities with the objective of identifying areas for collaboration. UP and RIKEN have a MOA on International Joint Graduate School Program.
A workshop handbook that includes abstracts of presentations, scientist profiles and event photos may be accessed through this URL.

2017, at NIP, UP Diliman, Quezon City. (Standing, from left to right) Elmer Estacio,
Percival Almoro, Hiroshi Yamamoto, Takuo Tanaka, Chiko Otani, Arnel Salvador,
Maria Vanessa Balois, Nathaniel Hermosa, and Wilson Garcia. (Seated, from left to
right) Roland Sarmago, Yousoo Kim, Norihiko Hayazawa, Carla Dimalanta, and
Genichi Tsuzawa.
UP-NIP holds 1st NIP-RIKEN Joint Research Workshop