RIKEN scientists and representatives visited NIP, UP Diliman from February 10 to 11, 2016. On the first day, laboratory visits at NIP research facilities were conducted and research seminars by the RIKEN scientists on nanophotonics and single-molecule spectroscopy were held. On the second day, RIKEN scientists and representatives met with NIP professors and management team to explore activities towards the promotion of international academic collaboration. NIP and RIKEN have a long and fruitful research partnership that started way back in the mid 1990’s.
Founded in 1917, RIKEN is Japan’s largest comprehensive research institution working in diverse scientific disciplines that span the natural sciences, from developmental biology and neuroscience to quantum physics and computer science.
[Photo] Group photo of NIP professors with RIKEN scientists and representatives taken last February 11, 2016 at room A201, NIP, UP Diliman. Standing: (NIP) Drs. Percival Almoro and Armando Somintac, (Riken Singapore Representative Office) Mr. Genichi Tsuzawa and Mr. Takuo Ohata, (NIP) Drs. Jose Perico Esguerra, May Lim, Roland Caballar, Elmer Estacio, Francis Paraan, and Arnel Salvador. Seated: (NIP) Drs. Wilson Garcia and Roland Sarmago, (Riken Japan) Drs. Dr. Yousoo Kim and Norihiko Hayazawa.